1. Old school desktop PowerPoint, the opposite of mobile? May be, may be not.
How Office95, with standard PowerPoint on our workplace PC, turned our way of working with presentations on a world scale. Freehand, Corel, Keynote and probably few more domestically developed presentation packages, each with their own typical features and characteristics, became distant shadows compared to the world standard, PowerPoint.
2. The history of (in)compatibility between Windows and iOS PowerPoint presentations.
When using ‘flat’ sheet content with no, or not too many animations, hyperlinks or special effects such as Naming Objects and a platform generic font was being used, PowerPoint presentations were reasonably exchangeable between computer platforms. Taken into account one was comparing Office versions of the same development level, whereas the iOS versions following up the Window Offices launches, tend to have a +1 version number, for example PowerPoint 97 on Windows was of the same development level as PowerPoint 98 on Mac computers. Same for Windows Office 2003 vs iOS version 2004 and so on. In fact, not so much has changed.
3. Last week Microsoft announced the distribution of MS Office apps Excel, PowerPoint, Word and several cloud storage related apps like OneNote, OneDrive and SharePoint for professional use. Combined with a portable ‘big’ screen like the 17 inch AOC you could serve your clients almost from the palm of your hand, from your cell phone that is. Even more portable is a phone with built in beamer, like the Samsung Galaxy Beam for instance, running Android Gingerbread 2.3 enabling you to carry your mobile office in your pocket, where ever you go to impress your audience. Are those super mobile solutions becoming main stream?